Monday, 21 July 2008

Teledahn Reluctance

I slept in Relto again and took breakfast in Eder Kemo under the hanging trails by the rotating monolith. It was such a refreshing start to the day with the warm sun beating down and the intermittent rain and thunder seeming to cleanse the garden.

I sit now, before the totem that leads to Teledahn in my Relto. I have put this off for long enough but I cannot ever find enjoyment in journeying around Teledahn.

I shall seek to run through as quickly as possible and might just stop for a bit to see if Shroomie wants to come out and play...

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Enjoying Kadish Tolesa

The vast forest of Kadish Tolesa became my home for the day yesterday. It's such a wondrous Age with its giant trees and ruined buildings. I cannot help but wonder if Kadish himself designed the buildings as ruins or if the destruction has been caused by the growth of the trees.

The sounds of the forest betray its lifeless appearance yet I have never seen anything to suggest there is life there.

It reminds me of Relto. Deserted, calm and quiet. Such a restful place.

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Gahreesen & the KI

Now that I have time once again to visit here, I noticed today that I haven't been to retrieve my KI so I decided to journey to Gahreesen.

Gahreesen is a favourite Age for me. I'm always awestruck by the size, complexity and beauty of the engineering there.

The low rumble in the linking chamber is a welcoming sound indeed. It is strange to hear after so long, and with the distant bird-song above too. Marvellous!

The KI machine is not far...

Strange, the KI has somehow restricted itself to two functions: an Imager and Great Zero coordinate tracking. The KI-mail and In-Cavern Network functions appear to have been disabled. Have the DRC been in to check the machine? Or have they done something to the Great Zero? Perhaps the KI dispenser has developed a fault or maybe the DRC have made this restriction to stop explorers communicating with one another? Who knows...

I can check that out later. Anyway, with the communication component disabled, it shouldn't be possible to track the KI's that are in use. That's a good thing as we explorers are really not meant to be here...

I linked to a balcony in Ae'gura from a Bahro stone in Gahreesen.

It is quiet.

Usually, other explorers can be seen going about their business but now, the place is empty. I didn't even see the blue, radar-like sweep of the Great Zero. This leads me to think that the DRC have shut it down while the cavern is closed.

Wary of being in a public area, I linked back to Relto to continue my explorations of Gahreesen.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Breakfast in Eder Kemo

I opened the door in Eder Kemo yesterday. Upon being linked to the Bahro cave in the stars, I immediately started recording the speech given by Yeesha. It will be useful later.

Relto is beginning to come alive again. The newly moved in fireflies are prancing around and things are beginning to grow again.

I slept in the hut here on Relto last night. My new sleeping bag was certainly enough to keep me warm but I wouldn't like to be doing this on a regular basis - yet!

The two Ages of Eder Gira and Eder Kemo are now on my bookshelf so I can visit whenever I feel the need.

The water in Gira is quite warm, probably due to all the geothermic activity. This makes the waterfalls a nice place to have a wash. Unfortunately, the pools aren't deep enough to go swimming in but there are other places I can do that.

Breakfast consisted of a small picnic in Eder Kemo before returning home for a few days. I will come back in a week or so and I might try taking a trip to Gahreesen in my next visit.

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Eder Gira & Eder Kemo

I have linked to Eder Gira. Night has fallen and the cold would have been unbearable had I not been wearing my usual woolly jumper.

The steam vents are around to keep me warm and the lava pit is also a good source of heat so I certainly wouldn't freeze here.

After collecting two Journey Cloths and making the bridge with the fishing basket, I have linked to Eder Kemo and remembered it to be a completely different place in comparison. The breeze keeps the Age cool in the gentle, summer wind. The short but frequent rain storms help keep everything alive, not giving the sun time to burn the plants.

It's certainly very beautiful here. I'd almost forgotten. This really is such a fantastic place to bring a small picnic and a book, set myself up in the overhanging fronds or the gazebo-like shelter and just relax.

Anyway, that's for later. Right now, I have to collect some flies to take back to Eder Gira to illuminate the caverns.

I brought the fireflies back to Relto with me. I do so enjoy watching them fly around the island, again and again.

I'd best press on and find them some plants, perhaps a large tree?

Friday, 4 July 2008

Unpacking & Looking Around Again

I can leave my luggage in Relto now, though. The backpack is killing me, it's so heavy! Still, because I can now go home and return here whenever I wish, the need for luggage is irrelevant. I just wish I could get back what I'd left in the old Relto. I miss my green jumper but thankfully I was wearing the blue one when I was linked home back in April.

Perhaps I should learn from past mistakes and not actually leave anything in Relto.

Ae'gura and Bevin are empty. There is no-one else here.

I travelled to Bevin using the book available on my Relto shelf. All the linking books in the book room have gone and the Private Rooms are locked.

Perhaps, fearful of encountering the DRC, other explorers are keeping their distance from the public Ages. Perhaps they prefer to keep to their own private instances of Ages...

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Arrival & a Successful Link

I arrived at the cleft and immediately started running around pressing the Journey Cloths.

Zandi was there, as always, and looked to be quite absorbed in his book so I left him to it - I didn't see any need to disturb him. I wonder if he ever worries about the fact that his trailer is playing host to a Journey Cloth?

One of the Cloths had moved. When I descended into the Cleft, it was there on the wall to greet me. Maybe the Bahro had put it there to give returning explorers a quick start? New Explorers maybe were getting it as a preview? A 'demo' of what was to come?

Anyway, it didn't stay there. After I had activated the Holo-Imager and closed the door, the cloth was moved back to its proper place. I still can't figure out which one had been moved.

Upon descending into the tree, the Bahro seemed to be screaming more than they usually do. It was rather disturbing, almost like I wasn't as welcome as I had thought I would be.

I hurriedly picked up the Relto linking book, clipped it to my side and linked there.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Ready to go again!

After a long journey, I am ready again.

Today I arrived and I spend a couple of nights in a hotel before making my way on Friday to the Cleft. It is my hope that I will be able to retrieve a new Relto book from within the tree.

Rumour has been circulating that the DRC may soon be re-opening the caverns to the public but I'll have to monitor that more closely when I find my way to Relto. Once there, I can set about establishing a new link between there and home.

I travelled light as I know there is a wardrobe on Relto. Also, the trip home and back to Relto should be relatively quick using a new linking book.

I wonder if I'll be able to use my laptop on Relto? Is the Wi-Fi range up to the job?