Thursday, 10 April 2008

It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for...

107 explorers in the Guild of Greeters Bevin...

100 explorers maximising the population of Ae'gura...

Other Bevins pulsating with population...

There can be no doubt about the popularity of D'ni caverns!

I don't know what happened; I don't think I'll ever find out but one moment I was in the Guild of Greeters Bevin enjoying the company of my fellow explorers and the next, I was at home. I hadn't even gone back to Relto before returning home, I was just... home.

My link back to Relto is gone.

Well, strictly speaking, it's still there, but it doesn't work. The Bahro must have taken away the ability to link.

I could go to New Mexico and climb down through the cleft and the volcano, through the tunnels and caverns to reach the D'ni city that way, but I cannot afford the fares for travel.

I am unsure what to do.

I can only keep trying my link to Relto.

It might work again.


Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Unreachable Relto?

Something bad has happened...

Relto cannot be reached and my explorations are on hold.

Perhaps this will allow me some time to write some catch-up entries and back-date them...

It worries me that I cannot go any further. So much had been explored but so much more was waiting...

I had once more retrieved the four pillars but again Yeesha had said to give back what I had taken. I don't like that I now appear selfish. My Relto has four pillars that must be returned but I cannot get there to return them.

What will I do?